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Security and Preparedness

Utility Services > Security and Preparedness
NERC compliance solutions

Cyber and Physical Risk Preparedness Assessments

This may be one of the best ways to address the growing cyber and physical threats on the electric sector. Sentry Services, a Utility Services business unit, bases its program off of the DOE’s ES-C2M2 maturity model and the E-ISAC’s CRPA program to tailor and adapt a risk preparedness assessment specific to an organization’s needs.

Cyber and Physical Incident Response Assessments

Attacks on the electric sector are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and increasingly dangerous. Therefore, it has become even more evident that electric organizations need to create and maintain an effective incident response plan. We can aid your entity in the creation and maintenance of this plan in order to mitigate the risk posed by the modern age.

Securing the Grid (STG)

STG is a custom designed table-top exercise and can be performed after an entity’s Cyber and Physical Preparedness Assessment, or as a challenge to your organization’s practices and policies. The exercises will allow the participants to understand, enhance and ensure their cyber and physical security procedures. This program includes a detailed post exercise report for your reference and follow up requirements. A Certificate of Participation is also a part of this program and has been used for demonstrating your performance in the requirements of certain reliability standards.

Securing the Grid Catalog

Utility Services has put together a catalog of scenarios for entities to choose from when designing your exercise. You have your choice of cyber, physical, emergencies, and incident management situations. Ask to take a look!

Background Checks

Background checks are a critical security protocol to establish an individual’s security clearances. Whether it is a corporate requirement, or one bound by standards, we can provide you will the valuable information you need.

We appreciate Utility Services sage advice, dedicated work effort and critical support in achieving this goal. We look forward to our continuing working relationship. ~ Manager of Engineering Services – Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative

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